Feng Shui Secret

Friday, May 8, 2009

Grandma was RIGHT! Learning to Forgive witih Feng Shui

“ Discover The Secrets That Billionaire Chinese Business Tycoons Know (That You Don't) About Attracting Money, Fortune, Success and Much More Using Simple, Ancient Feng Shui Techniques...! ”

I can show you step-by-step how you too can have more wealth, luck, happiness, career success, health, love, and much more to completely transform your life! . . . with the help of some quick, easy-to-do feng shui techniques!


Letting go of the old to allow the new in is a major principle in Feng Shui. Why then, when we are hurt by another?s actions do we find it so hard to forgive? We are taught to ?Go With the Flow? knowing that whatever is happening in our present is in our best interests, even though it may seem far from it at the time and it is often too difficult to see how such a negative force could ever have any good outcome.

It is in the very act of letting go and releasing that hurt and energy that we carry around that which nourishes us, in the long run. If you take the perspective that it is far better for YOU to learn to let go of pain we feel others have caused us you may find it easier. Through Maya Angelou we know that when we KNOW better, we DO better. A simple sentence with a lot of impact.

Without making excuses for the other person?s actions as a way to forgive them, just assume they didn?t know any better. Remember, our perception of any event or action is always different from another person?s perspective. It has always been impossible and quite often a waste of precious Energy to get someone to see things in a different light. We are the ones, then, that need to change our thoughts over the incident to release it and feel better, mentally and physically. It is a difficult concept, yet if I look back in my life to my own past hurts and disappointments perceived by another person?s actions, I can see that eventually GOOD came from it. In ways that I never would have expected.

Perhaps it is because it caused us to change our course of direction, spurred us on to take actions or do things we wouldn?t previously have done. Perhaps it is the theory that really is a universal law, that ?What goes around, comes around? and we need do nothing harmful or revengeful to another with that law so firmly in place. It is only in changing OUR way of thinking, our perceptions of the situation and realizing that as difficult as it may seem at the moment to see any good possibly occurring from it, somehow learning to just know it on a different level will help us reach the state we need to heal ourselves.

Illness in our own bodies is a buildup of negative and blocked energy. When we can learn to take just the few positive things that come from any negative situation or to ?see the silver lining? as my Grandmother used to say, we are only helping ourselves to deal and cope and thereby not allowing a buildup of this precious Energy escape us through ill health. According to Chinese principles, we are only born with a certain amount of Energy and when that energy is used is when we pass to another place. They firmly believe that the only way to replace and restore this energy is through the ancient art of Tai Chi.

Unfortunately, not many of us practice Tai Chi (have you noticed how old some of those people that are faithfully in the Parks actually are?) Our alternative, then, would be to truly learn to let go and release old hurts, pain and disappointments for ourselves, to free ourselves and keep ourselves well. And believe that when these people do know better, they will do better.

And to see the silver lining in any situation. Grandma was right, after all.

Feng Shui Expert

By: Carole Provenzale

Feng Shui Long Island




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