“ Discover The Secrets That Billionaire Chinese Business Tycoons Know (That You Don't) About Attracting Money, Fortune, Success and Much More Using Simple, Ancient Feng Shui Techniques...! ”

I can show you step-by-step how you too can have more wealth, luck, happiness, career success, health, love, and much more to completely transform your life! . . . with the help of some quick, easy-to-do feng shui techniques!
Should we focus more on Personal Life Reading (Heaven Luck) or Feng Shui (Earth Luck)? This has always been an argument.
Which is more significant? Heaven Luck or Earth Luck?
To start off, let's first talk about life reading.
Now, is life reading really 100% accurate? The answer is no. Many have had the misconception that life reading is able to 100% predict past & future events. Life reading tools is a tool used to forecast what is supposed to happen based on one's heavenly given luck; the Heaven Luck that follows you along your birth. It is calculated based on the assumption that there are no presences of any other external factors of influences around you.
Yes, it is definitely in its way accurate based on given Heaven Luck. However in this real world, we can't deny the fact of the presence of other external factors. Your residing and working environment, your education received, people to people relationship and etc will all have direct impact over your life's achievement. And they are especially so when it comes to your home (the Earth Luck) and your relationship with people around you (the Human Luck). It is these factors, which often result in the difference you experienced from that of your predicted luck from Life Reading Analysis.
For example, your predicted luck period may be bad. But on the other hand, your home Feng Shui and nevertheless its surrounding environment is good. Given such a scenario, you will often realize that your luck is not exactly that bad as what was predicted and at times even better.
Now, why is this so? Let's answer this question. How much time do you normally spent in your home? On the average, half or more of each day? And that explains why. For most of the time, you are actually in a good environment, receiving the beneficial Qi from a good Feng Shui environment, having improving and enhancing on your Earth Luck.
Now, what is the purpose for getting your personal life reading analysis? May we assume is to better avoid the unpleasant and improve your overall luck?
To be advising, by getting your life reading analyzed is not enough. It is just like going for a health check up. What should happen if one should misfortunately be diagnosed with some health problem, some unforeseen cancer? He or she can't just wait to get well on his or her own. The necessary treatment or operation has to be arranged. And similarly, it is not possible to wait around and expect your luck would be tremendously changed and improved on its own. By discovering your life reading analysis, you are only advised on how to avoid the unpleasant but do note, your luck has not in anyway been altered.
What can you do?
Let's take for another example. Based on your annual life analysis, you are advised not to be involved in any major business investment for the year. Besides being cautious and avoiding, what else should you do? What if you are running a business? You can't possibly be pushing away all business dealings?
This is the time where Feng Shui would come into place to improve on your wealth luck, which at the same time minimize and prevent any unnecessary losses. It is a tool on its own which always bring about beneficial improvement.
To get the best out of things, the combination of different and functional tools should be used. With the accurate analysis of your personal life reading, you can better be avoiding the unpleasant. And with the further correct application of Feng Shui, you can very much improve on your luck. Complementing one another, they would certainly be beneficial aids in enhancing one's life achievement. Now, isn't this getting the best out of both worlds? Getting both the cake and the pie?
To be answering the question again, one should focus on both Heaven and Earth Luck and not also forgetting our own actions, the Human Luck.
Jon Sim Geomancer & Feng Shui Master of http://www.art-of-fengshui.com, Art of Asia Classical Feng Shui.
NOTE: You're free to republish this article on your website, in your newsletter, in your e-book or in other publications provided that the article is reproduced in its entirety, including the author information and all live website link as above.
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“ Discover The Secrets That Billionaire Chinese Business Tycoons Know (That You Don't) About Attracting Money, Fortune, Success and Much More Using Simple, Ancient Feng Shui Techniques...! ”

I can show you step-by-step how you too can have more wealth, luck, happiness, career success, health, love, and much more to completely transform your life! . . . with the help of some quick, easy-to-do feng shui techniques!
Feng Shui has been around for millenia. The accumulated knowledge acquired and transferred from generation to generation is vast.
The literal meaning of Feng Shui is "Wind and Water". It is both art and science in it's use. This is why different practitioners can give different advice on the same subject.
This apparent contradictory advice can be explained by a matter of "perspective". 2 people can see the same environment entirely differently and both can be correct in interpretation and execution of remedial action.
The application of Feng Shui is meant to give you optimal support and help in your life to help you reach your goals. Whenever you are feeling out of sorts with yourself and your environment, you can be sure you will experience a negative and draining effect compounding the problem making it ever more difficult for you to get to where you want to go.
There is good news, Feng Shui can help - it may not be a knight in shining armour to the rescue but it's effects can be just as impressive.
Tip #1 - Work with it, not against it - Would you like to know the fastest way to improve your personal circumstances?
If you take the position where fate and luck are out of our control (which is not entirely true as our thoughts are critical to how things unfold), then the next biggest area we can impact our lives is in our environment. Feng Shui gives us the exact tools and knowledge we need to change this. Interestingly, as everything is connected to everything else, by proactively changing your environment you will also notice distinct changes in your "luck"
Tip #2 - Feel The Force Luke Remember Star Wars? Science fiction it may be but it's closer to science fact. All around us pervades a universal force of energy. The ancient Chinese described this force as "chi" (and the Japanese "Ki"). Chi is also known as "cosmic breath" is with us always and ever, under normal circumstances 99% of humans are oblivious to it but the act of breathing in and of itself is a powerful way to get in touch with chi. In fact, the ancient practice of Chi Kung is a highly potent way to do so and has many health and relaxation benefits associated with it. Get in touch with your own personal power your personal chi and recognise it's presence and use in your own environment.
Tip #3 - If you know someone is going to be an unwanted guest beforehand - don't invite them. As simple and trite as this sounds, it is all too often ignored. A typical example is one whereby you feel compelled to invite a quarrelsome family member into your home. You know before they arrive things are not going to turn out well but you still invite them anyway - because they're "family". Well, you can't choose your family but you can choose when to invite them. The same goes for "friends" or friends of friends - if you know they too are going to cause discord in your home, do your best to uninvite them! The negative chi accompanying their presence will last a lot longer than the duration of their visit and you can ill afford the addition of negative energy to your home, particularly when it is under your own power to avoid in the first place.
Tip #4 - Letting go of someone you love is difficult to do but we have to let go. When someone's body has run it's course on this world, they must symbolically have their spirits released. If you are tempted to retain the cremated ashes of a loved one in your home, resist! An urn full of ashes is a potent reminder of their demise rather than a celebration of their wonderful life.
Tip #5 - Get rid of dried flowers. They may be convenient but there is no substitute for the real thing. Unfortunately, dried flowers carry negative chi - devoid of the positive energy and lifeforce their real equivalents posess. In addition, you'll find dried flowers are a magnet for dust (again negative in nature) which of course can aggrevate your breathing giving rise to potential allergies.
Tip #6 - If it's, it has to go. Be it dried flowers, cremated remains, dust, stuffed animals, rotten fruit or food well past it's edible date, there is a clear message to be had here. Throw it out!. Items devoid of life do not possess positive chi and their very presence is an attractor for negative chi. This will in turn have grave repurcussions for your health, wealth and happiness.
Tip #7 - "Crassula" - aka "The money plant". A healthy money plant positioned in your home's southeast sector is very auspicious for your propserity. Remember the onus is on "healthy". You need to tend your plants and nurture them just as you would any other investment. Ignore them at your financial peril.
Tracy O'Brien is a long time student and practitioner of the ancient art of Feng Shui. She is also the founder of FengShuiAstrology.com For more Feng Shui Tips and a
FREE Feng Shui Astrology Personality Profile, visit:
http://www.fengshuiastrology.comLabels: feng_shui_design, feng_shui_gift, feng_shui_horoscope, feng_shui_item, feng_shui_picture
“ Discover The Secrets That Billionaire Chinese Business Tycoons Know (That You Don't) About Attracting Money, Fortune, Success and Much More Using Simple, Ancient Feng Shui Techniques...! ”

I can show you step-by-step how you too can have more wealth, luck, happiness, career success, health, love, and much more to completely transform your life! . . . with the help of some quick, easy-to-do feng shui techniques!
Parading a seeming endless group of buyers through a home only to hear it ?just isn?t for them? can be frustrating, to say the least. Words like ?Home Staging?, ?Curb Appeal? are the current new buzzwords for many of the Principles Feng Shui Practitioners have been using for years.
Feng Shui, literally translated to mean ?Wind and Water? seeks to create an environment that is welcoming, inviting and balanced making the homeowners (or potential homeowners) feel enhanced in a space. We believe it?s the ENERGY of a space, not just the design or decorating although these play an important role as well.
Some of the very same concepts Realtors use to show a home we have been using for years but look at it in a different way. For example, Real Estate Agents always open the blinds and turn on the lights, making the space brighter and more open. A big principle in Feng Shui is ?letting the outdoors IN? so that the energy flow is in balance. Additionally, agents may add plants or fresh flowers as eye deflections or to add color. We add these very things as well with the intention of adding Life Force into a space.
The hardest homes by far to sell are those that have been left empty. In that instance, the eye is deflected to every crack in the wall or imperfection in the home. Aside from some pretty decorations, filling up a space even a little changes it from a lifeless home into one with Energy and feeling.
The very first and one of the most important principles of Feng Shui is to declutter, something every home seller is asked to do. From our perspective, you can?t allow the new, fresh energy to enter until you have let go of clutter. Starting to see similarities here?
What is it, then, that a Feng Shui Practitioner might change or add in addition to the standard list already given to homeowners wishing to sell, sell fast and get the best possible price? First, we want to give them the very best first impression possible. Let nothing outside be overlooked from overgrown shrubbery to a clear pathway, color in the form of flowers, lights or decorative lawn objects. Small wind chimes look pretty if seen and sound lovely. To Feng Shui Consultants, the entrance to the home is the Mouth of Chi so it is important that everything leading to is cleaned and maintained and that the Front Door is clean and painted, open and inviting. ?Grace your entryway? is a term often heard in Feng Shui.
Walking into a home should make you feel welcomed at once. A warm start and the proper flow of energy throughout the entire home is what appeals to the potential buyer. A key thought I had used to sell my previous home is not popular among many agents, but it worked for me.
I was having a gathering of people and asked my realtor to bring her most interested clients. She thought it best wait until no one was home but I was somewhat insistent. The buyers walked into light, laughter, music, nice aromas and, most importantly, good ENERGY. We got two offers the next morning.
So, what?s the checklist before showing a home?
- Cleaning it thoroughly. And when you think you?re done, clean it again. A home that looks well kept looks loved.
- De Clutter Sometimes the homeowner doesn?t even realize what they are living in. Cleaning up and cleaning out is the best advice you can give them from both a Home Staging AND Feng Shui Perspective.
- Depersonalize: A possible new occupant cannot imagine themselves in a new space when the homeowner?s energy and personal object are all around. Taking away collections, removing personal pictures and leaving some spaces open allows people to envision themselves in that space.
- Lighten up: Too much furniture or heavy furniture makes a room feel heavy. If the space is too crowded, energy can?t flow. Ask them to rent a temporary storage space if necessary and explain the reasons why to make them more receptive.
- Look at the Lighting: Sometimes just softening the lighting in a room can make a tremendous difference into creating the warmth in a space you are trying to achieve. See if you can find warm or even some different colored bulbs on occasion to give a new feeling to a room that needs some help.
- Decorate with Style. Setting the table or leaving a bowl of colorful fruits out adds positive energy.
- Window treatments are very important. Check to see if they help keep the room light and airy or have it feeling heavy and dark, even when opened. Home Stagers often work with a seamstress, can get fabric at wholesale and have a new look with very little expense.
- For homes that need more help, a fresh coat of paint or a new rug can do wonders for a room. Make sure your Stager has a good and inexpensive painter that they work with to help achieve getting the most for your money in redoing a room.
- Sometimes, investing in renting furniture can be a huge payoff. For homes that are left lifeless and sit on the market a long time, it could have been sold with even the more expensive methods of home staging for less then their very first price reduction.
Feng Shui items we use to keep the energy flowing and achieve the life force and five elements include the use of mirrors which can draw people into a space or intensify a lovely object. We use crystals that oftentimes can?t even be seen but help the chi to activate and the energy to flow. We often incorporate small water fountains for the use of sounds and a soothing feeling. We love plants and flowers as they are true life force and always add good energy to a space. Oftentimes we change the flow just by rearranging the furniture. We look at the home with both decorative and what we refer to as ?Feng Shui Eyes.?
As a Feng Shui Consultant who frequently works with Realtors, I have heard the horror stories of a sale about to be made when a Feng Shui Consultant tells a new buyer that home won?t support them. I don?t practice Feng Shui using fear or negativity, I feel a home can always support a new occupant through the use of simple and inexpensive objects. Feng Shui was never intended to be the cause of fear or negativity, it is used to help and enhance everyone in their spaces in every area of their lives. Feng Shui can assist with a sale as well when the homeowners are told how the new home will support them.
People are much more in tune with Feng Shui and Energy then they were even just a few years ago. Being the Real Estate Agent with knowledge in this field gives you an edge over other Realtors in the fact that homeowners are much more interested and are often impressed with another way to look at things.
Please note that there are currently no standardized accreditations in place for either a Feng Shui Consultant or a Home Stager. Although some carry training that will give them the appearance of having the work ?expert? or ?accredited? after their names, the courses vary from two day online to several days. Look for someone who has been in business a number of years or someone who comes with good recommendations.
Costs for a complete evaluation of a home for Home Staging, Curb Appeal and Feng Shui Principles to get that home sold FAST should be under $200. They should incorporate all of the principles mentioned and be clear to both the Agent and the Homeowner on what to do to best optimize their chances to sell quickly for the best prices.
For additional information on Feng Shui and Real Estate, please visit www.FengShuiLI.com
If you have any questions about home staging
, please contact us at
Carole Provenzale has been a Certified Feng Shui Consultant since 1997 and is the Founder of Feng Shui Long Island and Home Staging Long Island. In addition to providing caring and affordable consultations for Homes and Businesses and working with Realtors, Architects and Contractiors, Carole is a keynote speaker and published author. Please visit her website for addition information at
http://www.FengShuiLI.com or email her directly at
FengShuiLI@aol.com or HomeStagingLI@aol.com
Labels: chinese_feng_shui, feng_shui_basics, feng_shui_business, feng_shui_course
“ Discover The Secrets That Billionaire Chinese Business Tycoons Know (That You Don't) About Attracting Money, Fortune, Success and Much More Using Simple, Ancient Feng Shui Techniques...! ”

I can show you step-by-step how you too can have more wealth, luck, happiness, career success, health, love, and much more to completely transform your life! . . . with the help of some quick, easy-to-do feng shui techniques!
Are you happy with your lovelife or would you like to see it improved?
No matter who you are, there are times when "the bedroom" is not the loving and fun room it should be.
There are of course numerous reasons why this may happen but there are some simple things you can do to help you make things better.
Your bedroom acts as a magnet both literally and metaphorically for your relationships. It is also where you sleep during the night renewing your energy levels in preparation for what the world has to offer to you the next day.
It is most likely where your romantic life is centered - unless of course you like to experiment - perhaps you're a free spirit who likes to commune with the outdoors ;-)
Your bedroom is your and your homes sanctuary.
The positioning and layout within it plays a massive role not only on your passion and romance chances but also your health, wealth and other relationships in general.
Careful attention should indeed be paid on this highly important room. When you get it right, positive energy (called "chi" by the Chinese and "ki" by the Japenese) will flow easily through your home.
Get it wrong...
All things in life are connected at the minute quantum level and the following information will help guide you so you and your relationships flourish:
1. Make sure your bedroom "feels" inviting - it must fulfill the role of a place of safety for you. When you look at the state of your bedroom now - what does it say to and about you? Does it say "I'm at home with myself" or is it a big jumble and in disarray? Is it just functional - it's purpose only for sleeping in your eyes, if so - if you want your love life to change, then this has got to change too.
2. Look around at all of the items - furniture/trinkets etc... in your bedroom. Do you have good/loving memories and feelings for these items? Or are there items which hold bad memories? If there are - get rid of them, they hold a residual energy and act as a constant reminder to your non-conscious mind. How about photos? Are there any old flames "hanging around" - again, chuck them out - you do want to move on to a new relationship - don't you?
3. Your bed should be the focal point of the room - this is where both "action" and "inaction" takes place, where you are both energized and renewed. Does your bedroom have a "personality problem"? Is it in effect multitasking? Do you have a home office or perhaps a treadmill beside you? Again, these items should not be here. You want to focus on your relationships rather than your body or mind in this room - move them out. If this is not possible due to space constraints, you will need to use a screen to keep them "at bay".
4. The ever present TV. Yes it can be cosy to curl up in bed and watch a great movie but a TV sends out a stream of positive ions (rather than positive chi) - this device is "yang" in nature and will ensure your body does not get the rest it requires. It also represents a 3rd party in the room - not particularly conducive to a stable and healthy monogomous relationship... Once again - the TV has got to go.
5. Make sure your bed is as far away from the door to your room as you can. If you are unable to see the door, you will feel ill at ease at a subconscious level - this is because you will sense you cannot see if an intruder will enter your room (heaven forbid!). This unease will of course impact how you rest at night.
6. Choose a bed which has a solid and sturdy headboard. In Form School Feng Shui, the headboard represents a supportive mountain to your back.
7. Your bed holds residual energy from those who have come and gone before. In an ideal world, if you have had a partner and wish to attract a new one, you should purchase a new bed. This gives you and your new relationship an optimal chance to flourish. Regardless, you should invest in the best bed you can as if you sleep 8 hours per day, this means you will spend 1/3 of your entire life in it!
Tracy O'Brien is a long time student and practitioner of the ancient art of Feng Shui. She is also the founder of FengShuiAstrology.com For more Feng Shui Tips and a
FREE Feng Shui Astrology Personality Profile, visit:
http://www.fengshuiastrology.comLabels: chinese_feng_shui, feng_shui_architecture, feng_shui_basics, feng_shui_business
“ Discover The Secrets That Billionaire Chinese Business Tycoons Know (That You Don't) About Attracting Money, Fortune, Success and Much More Using Simple, Ancient Feng Shui Techniques...! ”

I can show you step-by-step how you too can have more wealth, luck, happiness, career success, health, love, and much more to completely transform your life! . . . with the help of some quick, easy-to-do feng shui techniques!
Reduce Stress With Feng ShuiFor more than 3 millenia, Chinese people have used the ancient wisdom of Feng Shui to bring greater prosperity to themselves and to their environment. In the modern era, we are constantly being bombarded by stress.
Whether you're blowing your horn in a traffic jam, trying to wade through the spam emails clogging your inbox, taking unsolicited calls from salespeople on your home phone and that's not even counting the everyday demands put upon you by your work, family, household chores and if you have a second to spare - then try to cram in some "leisure time".
Is it any wonder your nerves are feeling jangled and frayed!
We are all guilty of trying to do too much throughout the day, constantly piling on the pressure with unfulfilled personal expectations just adding to stress of just getting through the day.
There is some good news...
You can restore your energy, recharge yourself and release tension by utilizing Feng Shui to create a home that is a sanctuary.
The principles of Feng Shui can help you create an environment to attract and direct positive energy. You may not be aware of how many different ways your physical space is affecting your well-being. Feng Shui provides help to identify the issues in your environment. If learning about Feng Shui sounds like one more project in an already busy life, consider this is one project which will lighten your load, provide relief and enhance your energy, rather than drain your internal resources or tire you out.
Making the pursuit of Feng Shui knowledge a worthwhile use of your time.
If your energy and your efforts are hindered, if your environment is increasing to your sense of restriction because the Feng Shui is out of balance, your stress only gets worse. Too much stress on the body has been demonstrated time and again as negative for your well being. The overproduction of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline put extra strain on all the systems in your body. These hormones contribute to chronic conditions, like heart disease for example which plague society.
Excess stress wears down the immune system and leads to increased susceptibility colds and other illnesses.
One of the keys to restoring energy and relieving stress is getting enough rest. Using Feng Shui to arrange your bedroom will help you get the fitfull sleep you need. Feng Shui will guide you in selecting the right room to sleep in, the right placement of your bed and the elimination of unwanted items - like mirrors in the bedroom.
All of which will contribute to the quality of your rest and your waking energy.
Anxiety and stress trap and deplete energy. Correct use of Feng Shui optimizes energy. An environment which employs proper Feng Shui principles contributes to harmony, balance and well-being. The Chinese believe Feng Shui helps create the conditions whereby you can excel in your life and your relationships.
Feng Shui restores your energy because the objective of Feng Shui is to allow you to reach balance with your surroundings. You will learn how to place items and arrange space so as to assist the flow of positive Chi energy. You will learn to leave negative energy at the door and fill your living space with good energy. With Feng Shui you can give yourself the positive pleasure of a harmonious, planned home environment designed to increase your well-being.
Tracy O'Brien is a long time student and practitioner of the ancient art of Feng Shui. She is also the founder of FengShuiAstrology.com For more Feng Shui Tips and a
FREE Feng Shui Astrology Personality Profile, visit:
http://www.fengshuiastrology.comLabels: feng_shui_business, feng_shui_course, feng_shui_design, feng_shui_gift, feng_shui_item
“ Discover The Secrets That Billionaire Chinese Business Tycoons Know (That You Don't) About Attracting Money, Fortune, Success and Much More Using Simple, Ancient Feng Shui Techniques...! ”

I can show you step-by-step how you too can have more wealth, luck, happiness, career success, health, love, and much more to completely transform your life! . . . with the help of some quick, easy-to-do feng shui techniques!
Feng shui is the ancient Chinese art said to increase the flow of positive chi, (aka positive life energy), in a space.
Through increasing the levels of chi and allowing it to freely move within and around a given space, Feng Shui can help it's practitioners to reach their personal goals. For millenia, the principles of Feng Shui have been used to bring success in the relationships, in business dealings and also helping to win new friends and allies.
The literal translation of Feng Shui means "wind and water?, two of nature's most powerful symbols. Feng Shui practice helps create an optimal environment for chi to flow freely and easily, just as wind or water does in nature.
Feng Shui has traditionally been practiced by experts.
It was created by a spiritual master who was first and foremost a student of nature and the spiritual realm.
More than 3 millenia ago, he created a basic set of rules meant to optimize the positive attributes of an area by increasing positive chi. His dream of making auspicious homes and workplaces which helped those living and working within to attract good luck and prosperity whilst at the same time enabling them to make the most of opportunity when it comes knocking at their door.
Feng Shui quickly increased in popularity and credibility in China. People began to gain knowledge and skill in the subject.
Eventually, Feng Shui found new followers all over the globe. Today many home-owners and business-owners consult Feng Shui experts when decorating rooms. Feng shui consultants have thousands of years of accumulated knowledge at their disposal.
An expert can transform the energy of any kind of an area.
Over time, several different schools of Feng Shui have emerged, each with its own perspective and strategies. The main schools are:
* The Compass School
* The Form School
* The Black Hat Sect
Down through the centuries, practitioners have refined the art into a mathematical science. Feng shui is much easier to apply to a space today than it used to be because there are clearer guidelines to allow even an untrained person to apply this knowledge to the home or office space.
Feng shui can help you create a feeling of balance and harmony in any space of any size. A little bit of knowledge can indeed go a very long way.
Tracy O'Brien is a long time student and practitioner of the ancient art of Feng Shui. She is also the founder of FengShuiAstrology.com For more Feng Shui Tips and a
FREE Feng Shui Astrology Personality Profile, visit:
http://www.fengshuiastrology.comLabels: feng_shui_colors, feng_shui_design, feng_shui_gift, feng_shui_horoscope, feng_shui_item
“ Discover The Secrets That Billionaire Chinese Business Tycoons Know (That You Don't) About Attracting Money, Fortune, Success and Much More Using Simple, Ancient Feng Shui Techniques...! ”

I can show you step-by-step how you too can have more wealth, luck, happiness, career success, health, love, and much more to completely transform your life! . . . with the help of some quick, easy-to-do feng shui techniques!
The ancient art of Feng Shui teaches you to correctly place items in a room to maximize it's aesthetic appeal, balance, and harmony.
The end result when you have applied simple Feng Shui rules is more often than not comparable to the finished product of custom interior design work. If you want to give your home a designer look without the designer price tag associated with a professional consulant or indeed if you feel you lack the 'creative flair' necessary, let Feng Shui help.
With a few simple and affordable changes to your home - it will look and feel as serene and pleasant as possible.
As Feng Shui is as much about the positioning of items as it is about what kinds of objects you have, it is easy to give your home a makeover without investing bucket-loads of cash on new pieces of furniture or other highly expensive items. Feng shui will help you make the most of what you already have for the maximum 'WoW' factor.
Your home will be more ordered, more balanced, and more beautiful due to your time and effort rather than the outside influence of an expensive designer. It just takes a little bit of creative thinking and you can make Feng Shui work just by imagining how you can use and place the items you have already.
There are items you can purchase to enhance the attraction of positive chi into your home-life, such as plants, mirrors, wind-chimes etc... but these are inexpensive on the whole which means you will not need to raid your savings nest egg to make a big difference.
There are some aesthetic problems Feng Shui cannot resolve.
This is because practical feng shui is primarily about the arrangement of items and furniture, whereas many design problem spots in a home are due to the underlying architecture. However, there are remedies at your disposal to help minimise any such architectural issues.
If you have a room that feels small and cramped due to architectural 'features' like low ceilings and/or tiny windows, Feng Shui can help create strong visual lines making the room feel lighter and airier. Feng shui can also teach you practical methods to install multidirectional light sources in the space - this will help lighten the area without feeling you are being interrogated!
No matter what built in problems the design of your room may have, Feng Shui can help you mitigate the resultant issues so your home will have the look and feel of the designer touch.designers.
Feng Shui provides inexpensive, pragmatic solutions to interior design.
Give yourself the the designer treatment - without the expensive price tag!
Tracy O'Brien is a long time student and practitioner of the ancient art of Feng Shui. She is also the founder of FengShuiAstrology.com For more Feng Shui Tips and a
FREE Feng Shui Astrology Personality Profile, visit:
www.fengshuiastrology.comLabels: feng_shui_font, feng_shui_gift, feng_shui_horoscope, feng_shui_item, feng_shui_picture
“ Discover The Secrets That Billionaire Chinese Business Tycoons Know (That You Don't) About Attracting Money, Fortune, Success and Much More Using Simple, Ancient Feng Shui Techniques...! ”

I can show you step-by-step how you too can have more wealth, luck, happiness, career success, health, love, and much more to completely transform your life! . . . with the help of some quick, easy-to-do feng shui techniques!
Feng shui is the a subtle and profound way to bring about positive change to your life and your outlook simply through change in your surroundings.
The simple principles of Feng Shui force you to rethink how you relate to objects in your environment in order to help you create a space which is in harmony, aesthetically pleasing, and enables positive energy to flow freely and easily.
Through the application of Feng Shui fundamentals, you can change the way you conduct business, or the way you interact with family and friends.
Feng Shui can help give you a little boost in pretty much any area of your life where you feel "things are not just right".
There are a variety of techniques, most of which are very easy, to help you effect change. By learning a few practical tips you can improve your office or home with an investment of no money and only a few minutes of your time.
Familiarity with Feng Shui Fundamentals will help you assess any room in minutes and diagnose where problems may lie.
By looking for things like sharp edges, shady corners, or furniture placement which blocks the flow of positive chi, you can restore balance to your life and have it move as freely as it should in a natural way.
You can take tangible and direct physical actions toward a smoother journey on your life's journey.
Feng shui can be used in your home, your office, or even in your car!
Whereever you spend considerable periods of time can be optimized according to tried and tested principles. You can take these steps to improve your happiness no matter what you are doing.
By practicing Feng Shui fundamentals, you can look forward to helping your mind, body, and spirit.
Feng shui can help you overcome any blocks or challenges you face giving you a calmer, happier, and more balanced
outlook on life.
If you take action with these Feng Shui fundamentals, you will be refreshed and revitalized - ready to take all necessary steps to bring your dreams to fruition.
Feng shui can help you bring greater harmony to your environment so that every breath you
take will help you feel happier and more confident. Direct action with Feng Shui will mean a direct and positive step towards improving your quality of life.
You can make your dreams a reality when you put a few simple techniques into place to help
your environment make it more likely you attain your goals, desires, and fulfill your potential.
The fundamental set of ideas behind Feng Shui is not so complex so as to prevent you from getting a good grasp in as little time as a single day. You don't need to purchase thousands of dollars of fancy tools
or equipment either to appreciate it's power and benefits.
All that you need is a little education, and a willingness to try something new.
Tracy O'Brien is a long time student and practitioner of the ancient art of Feng Shui. She is also the founder of FengShuiAstrology.com For more Feng Shui Tips and a
FREE Feng Shui Astrology Personality Profile, visit:
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“ Discover The Secrets That Billionaire Chinese Business Tycoons Know (That You Don't) About Attracting Money, Fortune, Success and Much More Using Simple, Ancient Feng Shui Techniques...! ”

I can show you step-by-step how you too can have more wealth, luck, happiness, career success, health, love, and much more to completely transform your life! . . . with the help of some quick, easy-to-do feng shui techniques!
Is your home office nothing more than a cramped corner of a guest bedroom or kitchen? I used to live in an old arts and crafts style ranch, circa 1928. What the rooms lacked in space, they did make up for in charm (as anyone who loves old homes can attest to). There was one corner of my very small guest room that became my first home office. It consisted of my laptop on a small, antique desk with the printer next to it on the floor. I used a beautiful, antique bench for my desk chair.
In the beginning, the functionality of the room wasn't a concern, but as my business grew, I realized I needed to make some changes to maximize the efficiency of my workspace. The space also had to have the right "feel" if I was going to spend long hours there. I am a true believer in alternative therapies such as aromatherapy, therapeutic touch, feng shui, and all things organic. I decided to use some of these simple, yet effective means to maximize the efficiency of my home office.
My antique desk and bench were causing me to have back and wrist pain, which took me way too long to figure out. As a long-time fitness addict, I didn't realize that my toned muscles would get sore in front of a computer, but they did indeed. Reluctantly, .I replaced the antique desk and bench with a small, but ergonomically friendly desk and chair. That alone was a huge help! (Plus the antiques were happy to be back in their original locations, where they could resume their original jobs as eye-catching room d?cor.)
My feng shui and hippy friends advised me how to rearrange the workspace to give it the feel I needed to keep me coming back to a workspace I loved. Whenever I worked, I lit my favorite aromatherapy candle. My senses were sharpened, and I felt serene while performing my business tasks.
I was told to rearrange the room so my desk faced the door. This was to increase my feeling of security. If you can't arrange your room in this fashion, you can place a mirror next to your computer or on the wall near it to have the ability to see the doorway. This will produce the same result.
Water symbolizes abundance and creativity. I placed a beautiful ocean picture from a recent trip to Aruba in front of my computer. That was easy enough, and it made a nice focal point for those staring off into space moments. No more blank walls for me!
The hardest part for me was de-cluttering the area (I'm not really into cleaning.) My friends said all those papers and junk laying around the already cramped area only served to heighten my anxiety and impede my work efficiency. I had to learn to throw things and put papers in the recycling bin. They said it was really important, so I did it. I now find if I take five minutes at the end of a work session to clean up, the maintenance is really manageable, even for me.
Lastly, I added small green plants on the windowsill and next to my screen. Plants bring an immediate calming effect. They also added some life to what might have been an otherwise sterile work area.
I can honestly say that I now love my home office! You can apply these suggestions to your office cubicle to get the same results. Good luck and have fun!
Lisa Herbik is a happy homemaker who loves to do her own home interior decorating. For more fun and free tips for decorating your home, check out her website, http://www.artistichomeowner.com.
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“ Discover The Secrets That Billionaire Chinese Business Tycoons Know (That You Don't) About Attracting Money, Fortune, Success and Much More Using Simple, Ancient Feng Shui Techniques...! ”

I can show you step-by-step how you too can have more wealth, luck, happiness, career success, health, love, and much more to completely transform your life! . . . with the help of some quick, easy-to-do feng shui techniques!
From determining pricing to having to keep a home in "showhome condition" marketing a house is always a challenge. Just like a hangnail most homeowners want to get the sale over as quickly as possible.
Here are a number of Feng Shui tips to move the house sale along
First engage the senses . Prospective buyers must be engaged in every way possible . Use these ideas to engage the senses of buyers at your home.
Make sure that your house looks good. Use lots of horizontal space. Make sure you clear off the tops of everything ( dressers , counters , shelves etc.)
Draw your eye to the corner diagonal to the door of each room. This will make rooms seem and feel larger .
Next make sure that all entries and rooms can be entered easily and comfortably. Make sure as well that there are no mirrors that are opposite doorways. It is always a good idea to have some motion in the house - that it is not "dead still". Ceiling fans can accomplish this well.
Believe it or not where you place your "for sale "sign carries weight. Since the karma is to place the sign on the right hand side of the house (facing the front of the home). It makes sense as most people are right handed and lead with the right side of their body.
Your house should be welcoming to newcomers and visitors.
The table in the foyer or front of the house should be inviting offering literature, business cards and a bowl of chocolates or cinnamon candies. As well a smaller vase of fresh flowers always give a nice feeling.
You should remember that the kitchen is the new family room,
Rather than being the area reserved for the lowly servants kitchens are now the meeting and sharing rooms that many families wish to have fond memories of.
Again keep counters clear, clean and nicely organized.
Keep the panty nicely organized - it shows attention to detail and the care afforded by the homeowners. However it never hurts to again place lush plants on the counter alongside a homey jar full of home made cookies. Bathroom doors should be closed.
It is always good to have sounds that are pleasant to the ears.
Place a fountain close to the front of the house or keep music playing at all times especially in the northwest corner of the house.
According to feng shui , earthly scents are the most appealing to the widest range of people. Choose cinnamon and pine scents rather than floral or vanilla scents
Remember that first impressions are lasting ,
The front door is the most important area of the house . Keep in more than immaculate with soft lights turned on in the foyer area , a new doormat , and have something flanking either side of the front door , such as two pots of lush , very healthy plants and flowers.
You should be ready to move mentally as well as physically when you sell home.
Don't dilly and have second thoughts . Don't lay a stumbling block in front of the buyer by making extra demands.
For both your mental health and to reassure the new owners you can even buy them a new gift - such as a new door mat or keychain.
Now it is your turn to start moving out promptly , thoroughly and efficiently. You might even move furniture and large items out sooner rather than later to a rented storeage space. Again this is as much for your mental health as to reassure the new owners.
You will be the ideal role model for the realtors in your area. It makes for more space- prepares you mentally and packing will be half done.
Remember by leaving things to the last moment you limit your options. Everything will be rushed . Things will go wrong. Remember Murphy's Law that what disasters can happen will happen.
You are going to move anyways . The decision is made . So why make it harder on yourself . In addition you will be in a much better bargaining posituon for vendors such as movers and carpet cleaners.
As in life preparation is everything in selling your home.
Hopefully you are moving along for good positive reasons rather than misfortunes in your life.
Amy Goodmann Senior Analyst Substantial Incomes frxforex@yahoo.com www.forexforexforexforex.com www.substantialincomes.com
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“ Discover The Secrets That Billionaire Chinese Business Tycoons Know (That You Don't) About Attracting Money, Fortune, Success and Much More Using Simple, Ancient Feng Shui Techniques...! ”

I can show you step-by-step how you too can have more wealth, luck, happiness, career success, health, love, and much more to completely transform your life! . . . with the help of some quick, easy-to-do feng shui techniques!
An RV serves as your home-away-from-home. Therefore, you should consider it to be your palace on wheels. If you're a new RV-owner, you probably have a number of ideas for decorating your road machine. Also, if you have an interest in Oriental culture, you might consider employing some feng shui tactics when outfitting your RV.
Consult a Feng Shui Master
In order to make sure that you get it right, it's best to consult a master of the trade. He or she can provide you with helpful guidance when preparing your living space.
Put Your Seating at Right Angles
It has been said that sitting directly side-by-side is unlikely to inspire conversation. If you want to promote harmony with your partner, make sure you're seated at right angles in your gathering space.
Use Posters in Your Dining Area
Posters are pleasant to gaze at--especially at mealtimes. Since, for safety reasons, you can't hang artwork on the walls, consider mounting posters instead. Be sure to keep the posters of your travels away from your RV ranges and cooktops.
Be Sure to Make Your RV Colorful
Color is a wonderful mood enhancer. It can also be quite soothing to you for those long stretches on the road. The more color you can infuse into your decorating, the better.
Park Your RV in an Appropriate Spot
It's best to park your RV in a road adjoining the camping spaces. That type of location will make you feel far more secure.
Be Careful Where You Place Your Bed Make certain that your bed is not located in a space overlooking electrical poles. Otherwise, the electric fields from the poles could interrupt sleep.
Consult Some Good Books Another worthwhile option is to consult some books on feng shui. These can offer you a myriad of ideas for improving the livability of your RV. In fact, you might find a number of tips you never thought of before. Another handy book to have on board is your RV cookbook! It's also a good idea to engage in some experimentation. In other words, find the feng shui tips that work for you. In this way, you'll create an atmosphere that you can enjoy season in and season out, all year long.
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“ Discover The Secrets That Billionaire Chinese Business Tycoons Know (That You Don't) About Attracting Money, Fortune, Success and Much More Using Simple, Ancient Feng Shui Techniques...! ”

I can show you step-by-step how you too can have more wealth, luck, happiness, career success, health, love, and much more to completely transform your life! . . . with the help of some quick, easy-to-do feng shui techniques!
You may be living an unhealthy life if you?ve never heard of Feng Shui. Feng Shui is based on the idea that if you place your belongings in a certain order your life will become more balanced including your health.
One school of Feng Shui involves the use of colors. If you choose calming colors in your home you will feel calmer. For instance having a bright red bedroom can actually lead to stress and uneasiness. A shade of purple might be a much better choice.
The color of your home is not the only aspect of Feng Shui that can impact your health. You should also focus on aspects of the different rooms. The belief in Feng Shui is that when the kitchen is kept clean, well lit and the air is fresh, your food will be healthy as will your eating experience.
The bathroom is one room where we all have to be wary of bacteria build-up. This is essential in Feng Shui along with the idea that the bathroom needs to be free of clutter. Make-up, brushes and creams and lotions should be kept in order. Feng Shui also suggests that keeping the lid of the toilet closed is a very healthy choice and should be taught to every member of the family.
Exercise is essential to everyone?s life and this is also true of those who practice Feng Shui. There is one exception to the rule of daily exercise though and that?s where the placement of the equipment should be. It?s advised by every school of Feng Shui not to place the exercise equipment in a room where you rest. This means moving your rowing or stepping machine if it is now stored in your bedroom.
Keeping your home free of clutter is a very important part of Feng Shui. If you have small children make certain that you clean up after them each day and try and teach them when they are young to keep their rooms neat and tidy. This will set the stage for a life-long habit of creating a healthy space.
You can use the techniques and ideas behind Feng Shui in other spaces as well. Many people organize and design their office space to utilize the principles of Feng Shui. If you spend eight or nine hours a day in your office you want to make certain that the space is working towards your good health. Consider painting the walls a calming, tranquil color and remove any unnecessary distractions from the room.
Feng Shui is an interesting and believed effective way to add to your good health. Keeping your home as a place that helps you feel relaxed is always a wise idea.
Read more from Claire Quaty at: Blogoltre.com - Health Resources
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“ Discover The Secrets That Billionaire Chinese Business Tycoons Know (That You Don't) About Attracting Money, Fortune, Success and Much More Using Simple, Ancient Feng Shui Techniques...! ”

I can show you step-by-step how you too can have more wealth, luck, happiness, career success, health, love, and much more to completely transform your life! . . . with the help of some quick, easy-to-do feng shui techniques!
It is taking the world by storm. That?s right, more and more people are joining the new age revolution and seeking out the help of Feng Shui to change their lives and bring balance into their world.
Meaning literally wind and water, Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of placement based upon a philosophy of the movement of chi or natural energy through our environments. While much of the art was recorded by Choo-he of the Song dynasty, it is thought that Feng Shui has much deeper roots. By following the patterns of nature, a Feng Shui practitioner will advise on the placement of everything from an individual object in the home or workplace to the positioning of a building upon property. Feng Shui shows us how to support the flow of energy in our lives to improve one?s health, financial situation and love life.
How does it work?
Feng Shui works in a multiplicity of ways. At its very core however is the notion of properly locating manmade structures and objects in their natural environment so that man and nature work in harmony to optimize the universal energy. The idea is that you take inspiration from the world around you to better your inner self and the circumstances in which you live.
Improving your life with Feng Shui is easy. To start this life changing journey, you first need to consider the basic framework, shape and structure of your home. Houses are all built differently, however, their form tends to resemble one of four basic patterns namely: a square, rectangle, L-Shape or U-Shape. The idea of Feng Shui is to transform your home into a square or rectangle.
Before you start any physical amendments to your family home, it is best that you sketch a blueprint of the changes you have in mind. You want to make sure that your home is going to benefit from Feng Shui in the fullest way possible. Once you make changes they will be difficult to reverse. You need to be organized in preproduction to ensure you get it right the first time. Remember, you are changing your house and life for the better, not the worse.
On a large sheet of paper, draw a sketch of the home you wish to Feng Shui. Include any areas that jut out, such as a garage, or a greenhouse. Make note of any areas that cut into what would make a perfect square or rectangle, such as an alcove. Note where each room is when you make your drawing. All areas under a common roof are considered part of the house. And note where the front door is located.
If you live in a U-shaped or L-shaped home, you will need to make some adjustments because chances are you?re not fully experiencing some area of your life. The goal of Feng Shui is to restore balance and harmony, and one of the ways you can do this is by completing the square. To overcome the missing areas, you can build an arbor in the space, landscape with large potted trees or add a sculpture or wind chimes. This will help symbolically fill in the missing area.
Completing the square
In order to complete your square, you?ll fill in any area missing from your L-shaped or U-shaped drawing with dotted lines so you create a complete square. If you already have a rectangle or square home, you don?t need to do anything to complete your drawing.
Once your house sketch is in the form of a square or rectangle, divide it into nine parts. Split the length into thirds, then split the width into thirds.
That is all that is required in sketching your own plan. Now you?re ready to begin the process of Feng Shuiing your home or work space.
Some general tips
Once you have ?completed the square? of the general lay-out of your home, there are plenty of smaller internal adjustments that will optimize the flow of good energy in your house. Here are five introductory tips to bringing feng shui into your home.
1) Indoor water features can be very powerful ways to enhance your life. By installing an indoor water fountain in your home and placing it in an open, central position you can attract the good things you want into your life.
2) Make sure shoes are not left lying outside your front door. It is important that the main door to your house is clear and open. If shoes, boots or slippers are left in the entry to your home, wind is likely to travel past the shoes, catching unpleasant odors, bringing bad energy and potentially illness into the home.
3) In the kitchen, make sure your stove is not positioned opposite to refrigerator or washbasin. Likewise your stove should not be opposite a washing machine or toilet. If it is, try to move it. The conflict between fire and water will lead to arguments and disagreements between couples and family members.
4) Remove television sets from all bedrooms. Televisions bring an unwanted further dimension to your room, which will absorb good energy.
5) Make sure there are no mirrors opposite your bed or at the side of your bed. Mirrors that are placed opposite your bed are thought to attract a third party into the relationship.
Feng Shui is gaining popularity in the Western world. Taking time to research this art to bring it into your home is certain help you find the harmony you need.
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“ Discover The Secrets That Billionaire Chinese Business Tycoons Know (That You Don't) About Attracting Money, Fortune, Success and Much More Using Simple, Ancient Feng Shui Techniques...! ”

I can show you step-by-step how you too can have more wealth, luck, happiness, career success, health, love, and much more to completely transform your life! . . . with the help of some quick, easy-to-do feng shui techniques!
In Chinese feng shui translates to wind and water. As a form of knowledge and mystical instruction it dates back several thousand years to ancient China. Thousands of years ago, the rulers of China needed to consider carefully the geography and layout of the country, since constructing any buildings, bridges or infrastructure depending on the land. In particular builders needed to carefully plan their constructions around the severe winds, mountains and water masses, as well as the propensity of China to flood. Because of these earthly considerations, the word feng shui (meaning wind and water) came about.
In America, we became acquainted with Feng Shui back in the 1840's during the California gold rush when many families from all over the world came to the US to seek their fortunes in gold. These days we are all know about feng shui and it is a common principle that modern people use to help organize their lives.
Indeed we can thank the many Chinese immigrants that flocked to the United States in the 1800's since they brought with them their belief systems, which included a faith in the principles of Feng Shui. In this day and age we tend to use a more basic version of this knowledge, but it continues to prove it's worth.
The origins of Feng Shui
The Chinese originally devised the principles and philosophies of Feng Shui in order to decide where to bury significant people, in particular members of dynasties and royal families. It was initially taken up to select burial sites for the wealthy, as well as palace locations for royalty. Scholars that practiced feng shui analyzed the signs and signals given from the earth to make a decision as to where to construct buildings and bury the dead. For example, they would consider which trees were clearly affected by wind, looked for rocks, and streams.
Based on these early observations, the book of the I Ching (meaning "Book of Changes") was written. At its core, Feng Shui functions as a rulebook to working with nature, following a life that respect and reveres the earth, and acting with integrity towards our immediate environment as well as the planet more generally.
Feng Shui really must be experienced to be believed. Ask anyone who has ever taken up the practice and they will tell you that it not only turned their life around but also saved it as well. Feng Shui really is the most practical guide to better living that the numerous new age remedies have to offer.
Feng Shui provides principles that not only improve your inner self but also your lived in environment. Many people that organize their lives around the framework of Feng Shui report that it brings a balance to your life force. Not only does it built a platform for a balanced life style, it also brings harmony and serenity even in this day and age of hustle and bustle and confusion.
The principles of Feng Shui
To improve your life through Feng Shui, it is imperative that you follow the guidelines of balance and harmony that are at the root of Feng Shui. According to Feng Shui, the universe is composed of three components. Every living being, every plant and every object is supposed to represent one of these three element which are Yin, Yang and Chi. Yang is male in nature where as Yin is female in nature. Together Yin and Yang are two forces which are responsible in creation and sustenance of all living and non-living objects on earth. Chi is the force that is created through the natural interplay of Yin and Yang.
Chi (or positive energy) should always be able to flow freely through any space in order to help us being in balance with the elements surrounding us. Chi is what brings us what we desire in life and allows us to be prosperous. Chi is based on the natural energy exchange which exists among everything on earth.
Get Started And Implement These Powerful Yet Simple Tips
Learning about feng shui takes time, and there are very many principles to follow. That said, bringing positive energy into your home is relatively easy and can involve only a few simple adjustments. Here are 5 powerful tips to get you started.
1. You should never crowd furniture. Each piece of furniture should have space around it to allow chi (or good energy) to flow freely.
2. Never place beds, chairs, sofas or desks right across or with their back towards the main door. You and your guests should never positioned with your back right across the entrance door.
3. Do not concentrate too much of one energy in one place. Your house should balance fire, water and metal to be in balance, you should avoid placing to much fire, earth or wood in one area.
4. Do not position elements in opposition to one another. For example a fireplace or stove should not be across from a wash basin, fish tank or toilet. The clash between fire and water will cause disharmony in the house.
5. Illuminate dark corners since they concentrate too much negative yin energy. Place a light or a plant in shadowy areas to disperse the darkness and allow chi energy to flow into the space.
Incorporating the principles of Feng Shui into your home is sure to help you better balance your life.
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“ Discover The Secrets That Billionaire Chinese Business Tycoons Know (That You Don't) About Attracting Money, Fortune, Success and Much More Using Simple, Ancient Feng Shui Techniques...! ”

I can show you step-by-step how you too can have more wealth, luck, happiness, career success, health, love, and much more to completely transform your life! . . . with the help of some quick, easy-to-do feng shui techniques!
Copyright 2006 Rob Daniels
Business people as well as common folks throughout the world improve all aspects of their lives using Feng Shui. Although the exact origins of feng shui are debatable, it is thought to have originated in China about five thousand years ago. According to Feng Shui cultural and social issues are influenced by natural, metaphysical and cosmological factors.
Anyone that has researched Feng Shui history knows that this level of interaction between all things is the theory of chi. Although chi is present everywhere, it pools in special places which are very auspicious in feng shui. When a less than auspicious placement occurred, Feng Shui cures were sought to change the flow of energy. This inclusion of nature into the living environment is the first point in Feng Shui and it provides solid ground for higher levels above. The art of Feng Shui is the balancing of energies through adjusting the relationships of particular items in the environment. In Feng Shui, a home and family were lucky if they were blessed to be placed in the most auspicious surroundings.
Feng Shui is an ancient discipline which shifts the chi (life force energy) in your home to improve your life. It is becoming better known in the West for one good reason: It works wonders. One of the basic rules when decorating with feng shui is to make sure that the path of energy, whether good or bad, cannot flow through your home. This happens when windows are directly across from each other, or doors are directly in front of a window. When good energy flows through your home, you can have good luck one day and bad the next, since the good energy has just flown through. When bad energy flows through your home, it is believed to cause more than just bad luck, including death and pain. Although the bad energy can flow out of your home, it leaves its wrath and can be hard to fully get rid of.
When a neighbor's driveway points toward your front entrance, counter it by affixing a pa-k'ua mirror to the door. Pa-ku'a mirrors are usually available at Chinese gift stores. A pa-k'ua mirror can also be used against sharp, pointed objects directed at your house for instance, TV antennas, protruding tree branches, or spiky architectural features. Place a large mirror behind the stove so that you won't be surprised when someone comes up behind you. Hang a mirror up at the end of a hallway so that it does not seem like a dead end. If the West section is missing in your home, you can install a bright light or a mirror to partially remedy this problem. You can also activate the West section of your bedroom as well. Do not sleep facing a mirror. The water element of the mirror will cause ill health. Avoid having any water feature in the bedroom such as aquariums, paintings of rivers and lakes, computers or televisions.
Avoid sleeping in a room where a toilet or washing machine is located upstairs. Sleeping underneath an exposed overhead beam will cause headaches, depending on where the beam 'hits'.
Arrange furniture so you can face the doors while sitting. Make the environment much more comfortable by arranging seating areas away from drafts and adjusting lighting. Clean up clutter to encourage relaxation and help you to find things easier.
Widen the front walkway to your home to make it more inviting. Be sure paths between rooms and through rooms are wide and easy to use. This allows you to walk around easily, as well as promotes chi. Oil your doors so they don't squeak, reducing mental irritation.
Fresh flowers will spread their fragrance all over so decorate flower vases with beautiful red roses and tulip flowers and place them at different corners in the house. One of the basic rules when decorating with feng shui is to make sure that the path of energy, whether good or bad, cannot flow through your home. This happens when windows are directly across from each other, or doors are directly in front of a window. When good energy flows through your home, you can have good luck one day and bad the next, since the good energy has just flown through. When bad energy flows through your home, it is believed to cause more than just bad luck, including death and pain. Although the bad energy can flow out of your home, it leaves its wrath and can be hard to fully get rid of.
To arrange furniture always start with an empty room. Once a room is empty, you can then fill it one piece at a time. You should begin with the larger pieces, like the couch, bed, television, etc. When placing each item, analyze whether the object is relevant to the area and whether people can flow through the room without running into anything. Ask yourself if you really need it in the room you are working on, or if it would better fit into another room, or if you should donate it, to goodwill. You do not have to put everything back into the room that you took out. Get rid of whatever you have left after arranging each room. This is considered clutter and can slow down your positive energy.
Arrange furniture so you can face the doors while sitting. Mirrors are good in most rooms, but once again avoid their use in the bedroom (invites third parties into the relationship) and also they should not face the front door as this causes Chi to bounce back and out the door. They are good for use in long corridors, kitchens with stoves facing the wall and living rooms where you cannot see the front door from when seated. Make the environment much more comfortable by arranging seating areas away from drafts and adjusting lighting.
Rob Daniels is a long term practitioner of Yoga and Pilates additional articles available at Pilates Shop
http://www.pilates-shop.net and Yoga Store
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“ Discover The Secrets That Billionaire Chinese Business Tycoons Know (That You Don't) About Attracting Money, Fortune, Success and Much More Using Simple, Ancient Feng Shui Techniques...! ”

I can show you step-by-step how you too can have more wealth, luck, happiness, career success, health, love, and much more to completely transform your life! . . . with the help of some quick, easy-to-do feng shui techniques!
First, let's say it out loud: chee. (If you've been saying "chai," don't feel bad-most of us did at one point or another!)
Easy to say, harder to understand. Chi is one of those words that, like shalom in Hebrew, has many different meanings in modern English. It can mean energy, life force, or breath. It also means vapor, a nice metaphorical variation of its basic definition. That said, we instantly see why this concept is so very important to the study of feng shui.
But chi also has a larger meaning, one that is very much more than the sum of its parts. Chi is a "breath force" of energy-unseen but very much felt-that radiates life into and through all living things.
As Such, chi is a focal point not only of feng shui and other Asian disciplines, but of Chinese medicine as well. Whereas Western doctors typically treat a symptom, Chinese doctors seek to cure or realign the body as a whole in order to have the body perform at its peak and to eliminate one or more medical issues at any given time.
Anyone who has had acupuncture or shiatsu massage already knows about chi. These practices are both based on the existence of a network of meridians running throughout the body-meridians that must flow unblocked if chi is to function maximally and we are to feel our best.
While blood carries oxygen and nutrients, chi carries thoughts, ideas, emotions, and dreams. What you think-and the way that you think - has a great deal of influence on outcomes in our lives. This goes way beyond the rather hackneyed idea of the "power of positive thinking."
How is this so? Because chi is much more than a concept; it is actually an energy force that pervades both living things and inanimate objects. Thus, manipulating our chi has everything in the world to do with the success or failure, happiness or sadness, which we experience every single day of our lives.
What are the effects of disharmonized chi? Here are three prominent examples.
? Negative chi, caused by excessive light and artificial energy (such as air conditioning), can cause mental and physical exhaustion.
? Strong chi (like that produced by dampness and drafts) can result in two polarized attitudes, depending on the person: either excessive emotion and overexcitement, or depression and lack of direction.
? Fast-flowing chi (which you can feel on very windy days) can make one over talkative and paranoid, fearful of personal attack
Just as placement and position have everything to do with achieving the best flow of chi in our physical environments, so too does our physical countenance. How we dress and wear makeup, and even the food we eat, have a direct result or our chi.
And, why, precisely, is our chi so important? In Chinese medicine it is the unencumbered flow of chi that is seen as a prerequisite to good health. Unlike Western medicine, which treats individual health symptoms, Eastern medicine treats the body as a whole Thus, doing whatever necessary to unblock our chi is of prime concern to our physical and psychological health.
What does chi have to do with Feng Shui Chic? Almost everything, as it turns out. How we dress and wear makeup, and even the food we eat, have a direct result on our chi. To learn more about how to change your life with feng shui and to buy the book Feng Shui Chic visit
Carole Meltzer?s website.Carole Swann Meltzer is a world-renowned Asian-trained feng shui master who is widely quoted in major consumer and trade magazines. She has appeared on national television shows such as The View. Visit her website at carolemeltzer.com to learn more about her products and services.
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“ Discover The Secrets That Billionaire Chinese Business Tycoons Know (That You Don't) About Attracting Money, Fortune, Success and Much More Using Simple, Ancient Feng Shui Techniques...! ”

I can show you step-by-step how you too can have more wealth, luck, happiness, career success, health, love, and much more to completely transform your life! . . . with the help of some quick, easy-to-do feng shui techniques!
It is possibly the most ancient design movement known and yet has made itself an avant-garde design craze. Although, over three thousand years old, the idea of Feng Shui has received much attention in modern day. Surf the net or the local bookstores and you will find numerous resources on the subject. It has taken the Interior Design industry by storm and has found a way into university classrooms all over the world. It has been revered as an art. It has been shunned as superstition. It is controversial, which means it is interesting. So let's take a brief look, shall we?
Feng Shui ("wind-water") is an ancient Chinese practice dealing with the arrangement of a space and its elements to bring balance to the environment and those who dwell within, more basically, living in harmony with your surroundings.
This ancient philosophy says that being in tune with the elements and energy around you will bring you the most balance in life. These elements are Earth, Fire, Water, Metal, and Wood. The energy is Ch'i (pronounced 'chee').
Ch'i is the life force, and it is present all around us, all of the time. The purpose of incorporating Feng Shui into our homes is to attract Ch'i and to raise positive energy levels. The Chinese have utilized this in the construction of large buildings and homes, aligning the corners of the structures with the corresponding directions of the four cardinal directions--north, south, east, and west. The ancient Chinese tended to build their homes according to the directions and meaning of each.
Astrology is incorporated as well. Depending on the individual?s year of birth, each direction has different meaning. Those dealt with include positive directions (prime, health, longevity, prosperity, etc.) and negative directions (death, disaster, the six shar, and the five ghosts). According to Chinese life principle, there is no getting around the negative directions. Though, it is believed that utilizing Feng Shui in your home can keep the Ch'i in balance, and the positive and negative in harmony.
In this day and age, not many of us have the option of choosing our land so freely, as we have settled down already or dwell in apartment buildings. Unfortunately, we can't very well pick up and turn our homes to suit our individual Ch'i. This is where Feng Shui designers have found their calling. Placement of furniture, certain deco, as well as color use are considered imperative factors in the Feng Shui culture. Here are a few interesting and random examples.
Furniture Placement:
- Move the bed to face your health and longevity direction.
- Always have a bed against one wall, as this gives the individual stability.
- The oven and the sink should have space between them, as they represent opposing elements; water and fire.
- The living room is the central gathering room and where most families spend their time. Try to put the main area of focus (television, sound system) in the corner that represents health. This way, when the family lounges together, they are facing a positive direction.
- The Chinese believed that no matter how big the family, there should always be at least eight chairs at the dining table. If more or less, the number must always be even.
- Face the desk that you work at towards your creative direction.
Decorations and Accessories:
- If one of your positive directions lie in the South, and there is a Southern wall with no window in your home, add a mirror. This gives Ch'i room to flow with no ending point.
- The bathroom of your home is the place for Ch'i to pool--and in its most negative environment. Bathrooms are typically small, and are associated with destruction. Mirrors, and house plants should be abundant in this area.
- The living room or bedroom are good places for oil paintings and art, as these are objects of prosperity.
- The study, or the area where you do so, should be filled with objects of creativity. Fill the area with artwork, pottery, and house plants. If there is no window above your desk, guess? Add a mirror!
- Round objects represent money. So, in the living room, and study, try round rugs, tables, and coasters.
- Wind chimes, wind chimes, wind chimes! Anything associated with wind will help Ch'i flow freely.
The central colors of importance to Feng Shui include green, red, yellow, white, and black. Although the meaning and directional significance of each differs depending on your source, each color represents one of the five elements (Earth, Fire, Water, Metal, Wood).
- It is important that the color of your bedroom correlate with your element. Mine is water, which seems to be associated with white or blue.
- The kitchen is the one place in the house most susceptible to hazard. Green is the safest color to use here.
- The study is an important area for free air, and open mindedness. Yellow or white will keep the area amicable.
For more information on color use, check out the Quick Guide to Color Effects and Meanings blog.
Whether or not you take the ancient art of Feng Shui on board, it is quite an impressive subject as well as vastly immense--I have only just touched the bare minimum here. Aside from the apparent mysticism, its principles touch upon the chic mannerism of modern design as well. More and more designers and clients are designing with meaning and with spirituality. In my opinion, this is wonderful!
Every type of art has spiritual root and meaning--it's the artist that makes it distinct. As always, my best design advice is to understand what touches you and manifest it into your space. Peace be with you and may your Ch'i flow free!
Breiana Cecil of OverstockArt.com graduated from Ball State University with a Bachelor Degree in Interior Design and in Studio Art. Breiana is an avid enthusiast of the art and design world and intends on continuing her contribution to the industry. Talk to Breiana on the ArtCorner Blog today!
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“ Discover The Secrets That Billionaire Chinese Business Tycoons Know (That You Don't) About Attracting Money, Fortune, Success and Much More Using Simple, Ancient Feng Shui Techniques...! ”

I can show you step-by-step how you too can have more wealth, luck, happiness, career success, health, love, and much more to completely transform your life! . . . with the help of some quick, easy-to-do feng shui techniques!
Should we focus more on Personal Life Reading (Heaven Luck) or Feng Shui (Earth Luck)? This has always been an argument.
Which is more significant? Heaven Luck or Earth Luck?
To start off, let's first talk about life reading.
Now, is life reading really 100% accurate? The answer is no. Many have had the misconception that life reading is able to 100% predict past & future events. Life reading tools is a tool used to forecast what is supposed to happen based on one's heavenly given luck; the Heaven Luck that follows you along your birth. It is calculated based on the assumption that there are no presences of any other external factors of influences around you.
Yes, it is definitely in its way accurate based on given Heaven Luck. However in this real world, we can't deny the fact of the presence of other external factors. Your residing and working environment, your education received, people to people relationship and etc will all have direct impact over your life's achievement. And they are especially so when it comes to your home (the Earth Luck) and your relationship with people around you (the Human Luck). It is these factors, which often result in the difference you experienced from that of your predicted luck from Life Reading Analysis.
For example, your predicted luck period may be bad. But on the other hand, your home Feng Shui and nevertheless its surrounding environment is good. Given such a scenario, you will often realize that your luck is not exactly that bad as what was predicted and at times even better.
Now, why is this so? Let's answer this question. How much time do you normally spent in your home? On the average, half or more of each day? And that explains why. For most of the time, you are actually in a good environment, receiving the beneficial Qi from a good Feng Shui environment, having improving and enhancing on your Earth Luck.
Now, what is the purpose for getting your personal life reading analysis? May we assume is to better avoid the unpleasant and improve your overall luck?
To be advising, by getting your life reading analyzed is not enough. It is just like going for a health check up. What should happen if one should misfortunately be diagnosed with some health problem, some unforeseen cancer? He or she can't just wait to get well on his or her own. The necessary treatment or operation has to be arranged. And similarly, it is not possible to wait around and expect your luck would be tremendously changed and improved on its own. By discovering your life reading analysis, you are only advised on how to avoid the unpleasant but do note, your luck has not in anyway been altered.
What can you do?
Let's take for another example. Based on your annual life analysis, you are advised not to be involved in any major business investment for the year. Besides being cautious and avoiding, what else should you do? What if you are running a business? You can't possibly be pushing away all business dealings?
This is the time where Feng Shui would come into place to improve on your wealth luck, which at the same time minimize and prevent any unnecessary losses. It is a tool on its own which always bring about beneficial improvement.
To get the best out of things, the combination of different and functional tools should be used. With the accurate analysis of your personal life reading, you can better be avoiding the unpleasant. And with the further correct application of Feng Shui, you can very much improve on your luck. Complementing one another, they would certainly be beneficial aids in enhancing one's life achievement. Now, isn't this getting the best out of both worlds? Getting both the cake and the pie?
To be answering the question again, one should focus on both Heaven and Earth Luck and not also forgetting our own actions, the Human Luck.
Jon Sim Geomancer & Feng Shui Master of http://www.art-of-fengshui.com, Art of Asia Classical Feng Shui. NOTE: You're free to republish this article on your website, in your newsletter, in your e-book or in other publications provided that the article is reproduced in its entirety, including the author information and all live website link as above. |
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“ Discover The Secrets That Billionaire Chinese Business Tycoons Know (That You Don't) About Attracting Money, Fortune, Success and Much More Using Simple, Ancient Feng Shui Techniques...! ”

I can show you step-by-step how you too can have more wealth, luck, happiness, career success, health, love, and much more to completely transform your life! . . . with the help of some quick, easy-to-do feng shui techniques!
Lots of people are confused about the feng shui elements. What are they? What do they mean? How do they relate to your home? In this article, I'll shed some light.
The feng shui elements, simply put, are the five guiding points of your life and, when used correctly, they will create the best environment for your home. Feng shui elements are about centering your home and creating harmony. In a moment, I'll give you some ideas for how to accomplish this.
But first, What are the five feng shui elements? Great question! They are Water, Fire, Wood, Metal and Earth.
And what do the elements represent from a decorating perspective? The feng shui elements stand for specific
character traits and, supposedly, they define the world in which we live. Let's examine each a bit more closely:
* Water: Learning, winter, and travel. It is represented by the color black.
* Fire: Energy, summer, and danger. It is represented by the color red.
* Wood: Creativity, spring, and change. It is represented by the color green.
* Metal: Business, autumn, and success. It is represented by the color white.
* Earth: Patience, stability and the center of all things. It is represented by the color yellow.
Now, you might be asking, "What does all this really mean?". Here's what feng shui advocates believe. When you bring the five feng shui elements into alignment then all is right with your home. When the elements are out of balance, you could experience problems. These two states are referred to as the Productive and Destructive cycles.
The Productive Cycle seeks patterns of harmony, such as these: wood fuels fire; fire turns to ash and covers the earth; earth turns to minerals and metals; metals can melt to water; water feeds wood.
When the cycle is Destructive, however, the pattern changes to something like this: wood takes from earth; earth, to feed itself, takes water; water douses fire; fire destroys metal; metal destroys wood.
Okay, okay...I know these cycle definitions sound a little like mumbo jumbo. So, let's get a little more specific and determine how this could affect your home. First remember that the Feng shui elements must come together corrctly to create a balance that is essential to making your home harmonious.
So, how do you achieve a balance? First and foremost keep in mind what each element represents. Next, remember that if a room is dominated by one color or "element" this will be destructive. For example, while you may absolutely love the color green (wood), you should not decorate your entire home in this one shade. This will ignite the destructive cycle because the wood element will be overpowering without other feng shui elements to
soften or balance it out.
What would be better is to use all the colors for your home. No, you don't have to paint the walls in each room with a different color to match the feng shui elements. Instead, you can find splashes of the colors in accessories and accents, such as knickknacks, throw pillows, etc.
Feng shui elements mean incorporating ideas of natural and harmony into your home. Its principles are not embraced by everyone. The debate span from the hardest of skeptics to the most ardent believers to those not sure of what their opinions may be. Whatever the truth, however, feng shui elements have a universal idea within them--finding harmony in your life and your home. This is something we all could use.
Michael Holland is the creator of Home Decorating Made Easy. His web sites offers lots of FREE decorating tips and ideas for decorating your home.
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“ Discover The Secrets That Billionaire Chinese Business Tycoons Know (That You Don't) About Attracting Money, Fortune, Success and Much More Using Simple, Ancient Feng Shui Techniques...! ”

I can show you step-by-step how you too can have more wealth, luck, happiness, career success, health, love, and much more to completely transform your life! . . . with the help of some quick, easy-to-do feng shui techniques!
The use of feng shui in the home is the source of some debate for many would-be home decorators. Some people believe in its healing powers while others think it's nothing more than the lastest hyped up fad.
However, if you are like most people and don't have a strong opinion either way about this subject, then allow me to shed some light. Below is an explanation of what feng shui is and what it represents. But more importantly, you'll be able to determine if it right for you and whether you should you use feng shui in the home.
Feng shui in the home can be a source of relief for some people and disbelief for others. Some home decorators swear that balancing the five elements (wood, water, fire, metal and earth) creates warmth and harmony.
One key aspect of this balancing act consists of using colors and shapes that represent the elements and rearranging furnishings to complete the effect. Other decorators, however, are more skeptical and see feng shui in the home as just hogwash. They don't believe it is neccessarily to have all the blancing in place to create a beautiful room.
So, which side of the fence do you come down on? Does feng shui in the home have any appeal to you? If so, are you drawn to it because you feel that you need balance in your life? Or do you simply seek a new creative twist for decorating your home? Either way, feng shui may still be worth trying.
Feng shui stresses creating an enivironment of harmony in the home. By melding the five elements together in a productive and harmonious cycle, you just might enjoy their pleasing characteristics. Feng shui advocates say that, if your home is dominated by only one or two of the elements instead of having them all represented, the home's level of "Chi" will be weakened. This, in turn, could result in problems for those living there.
So what do you think? Does this have any appeal to you? If not, no problem, but you could be missing out on something that could also be a lot of fun.
Whether you're looking for spiritual counsel and view feng shui as a possible answer, or if you're simply tired of the way your home looks now and desire a more flowing design, feng shui could help. Of course, some feng shui advocates believe that, if you are not seeking balance in your life, you should bypass feng shui decorating all together.
There's certainly no reason to take that advice. While feng shui may not serve its original intent, it can still result in absolutely beautiful rooms. The rooms in your home can flow seamlessly and seem more uniformed, instead of looking like a messy garage with items and accessories all jumbled. The great thing about feng shui is that it can help bring a finished and polished look to rooms that seemed disorganized.
So, is feng shui the right style for you? It your choice, but I think it's more than worthy of a try.
Michael Holland is the creator of Home Decorating Made Easy.com. His web sites offers lots of FREE decorating tips and ideas for decorating your home.
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“ Discover The Secrets That Billionaire Chinese Business Tycoons Know (That You Don't) About Attracting Money, Fortune, Success and Much More Using Simple, Ancient Feng Shui Techniques...! ”

I can show you step-by-step how you too can have more wealth, luck, happiness, career success, health, love, and much more to completely transform your life! . . . with the help of some quick, easy-to-do feng shui techniques!
Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese belief that involves studying natural and the built environments. The arrangements of these objects affect the yin and the yang, as well as the energy of a room. Feng Shui has developed into many different versions based on religion, geography, symbolism and culture. One commonality of all Feng Shui practitioners, Of course, is the belief in energy. Different schools of Feng Shui have progressed into seven different forms.
1. The Compass School
The first school of thought is the Compass school. The compass school uses 8 trigrams of the I-Ching. These 8 trigrams are known collectively as Pa Kua, that is based on the eight main directions of a compass. Each of these directions is associated with a specific chi. A southern direction, for example, is vibrant energy and is associated with the middle of the summer.
2. Eight Mansion School
Another school is the Eight Mansion School, also known as the Eight House Feng Shui. This school of thought is based on the individual number of a person. The number of the man living in the home is used to bring harmony and balance to the home. Furthermore, people using this system have both lucky and unlucky numbers, with the west numbers being 2, 6, 7, and 8 and the east numbers being 1, 3, 4, and 9.
3. Form School
The Form school of thought is based on the landscapes shape and uses four symbolic animals. These animals are used to identify the type of landscape. The Form school is easy to use along with the Compass school to increase chi both in and out of the home.
4. Black Hat Sect
The Black Hat Sect is another school of thought. The Black Hat Sect used a fixed entry point for determination of the life areas. It is similar in philosophy to the Compass school, but the areas are different. In addition, the Black Hat Sect mixes psychology, Buddhism and basic design principles, as well.
5. Nine Star Key School
Another school is the Nine Star Key School. This form used stars to help identify lucky and unlucky days. Using complicated math formulas, this school can pinpoint when a person will get married and the astrological sign of the person to be married to. This form is very inflexible and is based purely on science. The Nine Star Key will also tell the practitioner what house he lives in and makes suggestions on how to live based on the house.
6. Flying Star School
The Flying Star philosophy is the most common Asian form of Feng Shui and is based on astrology and numerology. This form is difficult to understand and to learn. It, too, is based on mathematical principals and is used to determine a persons fate.
7. Four Pillars School
The final school of thought is the Four Pillars. This form is not very common and is based on astrology according to the persons date of birth, right down to the minutes. This form is also used to determine a persons fate.
8. The Five Elements
After determining that school of thought is best for an individual, it is important to also understand each element. These five elements are: Earth, Fire, Water, Metal, and Wood. The elements are capable of destroying each others energies and forming a continual cycle. Through the use of these elements, balance and harmony can be created in a home. If these elements are used incorrectly, Of course, the energy can be destroyed or lessened.
Each of the five elements is also associated with a color, direction, and number.
Earth (Brown/Beige) - 2,5,8 - Southwest
Fire (Red/Purple) ?? 9 - South
Water (Blue/Black) ?? 1 - North
Metal (Grey/Reflective) - 6,7 - West
Wood (Green) - 3,4 - East
Each of these elements has both a destructive and a productive cycle and must be used carefully.
The productive cycle uses the following pattern:
Water ?? Wood ?? Fire ?? Earth ?? Metal
Water feed feeds Wood for it to grow. Wood then feeds Fire and produces Earth. Earth, in turn created Metal. Metal holds water and, thus, continues the cycle. To keep this cycle flowing, bring into the room the elements before and after the main element
The destructive cycle reduces energy and can be used in a room where one element needs to be lessened. It follows this pattern:
Water ?? Fire ?? Metal ?? Wood ?? Earth
Water puts out Fire and Fire melts Metal. Metal cuts Wood down and Wood clogs Earth, while Earth muddies Water.
9. Using Feng Shui
Every room needs to be balanced with each of the five elements. Some elements can be heavier than others due to size; chair might score as three counts of an element while a throw pillow only counts as one.
For more great feng shui related articles and resources check out http://anxietyplace.info
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“ Discover The Secrets That Billionaire Chinese Business Tycoons Know (That You Don't) About Attracting Money, Fortune, Success and Much More Using Simple, Ancient Feng Shui Techniques...! ”

I can show you step-by-step how you too can have more wealth, luck, happiness, career success, health, love, and much more to completely transform your life! . . . with the help of some quick, easy-to-do feng shui techniques!
The Chinese 5 Elements Feng Shui Principle can be applied to predict all 2006 FIFA World Cup Matches. With the Chinese 5 Elements system, you can predict every FIFA World Cup Match with more than 70% accuracy.
To predict, you need to know the Chinese Feng Shui 5 Elements. The Chinese Feng Shui 5 Elements are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. When these elements interact with each others, they create the constructive and destructive forces. There are only 4 interaction probabilities. Therefore, the methodology is rather easy to master.
1. The Producing Cycle.
(Wood Produces Fire, Fire Produces Earth, Earth Produces Metal, Metal Produces Water and Water Produces Wood)
When Wood produces Fire, what it means is that the Fire element is at an advantages position compared to the Wood element. On the other hand, the Wood element is at a disadvantage position.
2. The Weakening Cycle.
(Fire Weakens Wood, Wood Weakens Water, Water Weakens Metal, Metal Weakens Earth and Earth Weakens Fire)
The Weakening Cycle is the reverse expression of the Producing Cycle. Fire weakens Wood means that Fire consumes Wood as fuel and thus the Fire element is at an advantages position. Since the Wood element is being consumed, therefore, it burns itself out.
3. The Controlling Cycle.
(Wood Controls Earth, Earth Controls Water, Water Control Fire, Fire Controls Metal and Metal Controls Wood)
The Controlling Cycle is also known as Destructive Cycle. Fire controls Metal means that Fire has the power to overcome Metal. What it means here is that when Fire is being applied on Metal, Metal will go deformed and thus can be shaped into any other shapes. In this case, Fire element is at an advantages position and Metal element is at a very bad position.
4. Matching.
(Wood Matches Wood, Fire Matches Fire, Earth Matches Earth, Metal Matches Metal and Water Matches Water)
When Fire Matches Fire, it means Fire brings luck to Fire. In this case, both teams bring luck to each other. Therefore, we must find other comparison methods (Producing Cycle, Weakening Cycle and Controlling Cycle) to draw a better conclusion.
Since every team has got uniform; uniform has got colors; colors have got the elements. Therefore, we are able to predict all the 2006 FIFA World Cup matches using the Interactivity of the Chinese 5 Elements.
But before we start, you have to know the colors and their elements.
Wood element: Green and Chocolate
Fire Element: Orange, Red, Maroon and Red Purple
Earth Element: Yellow and Brownish Tan
Metal Element: White, Silver and Gold
Water Element: Blue, Gray and Black
Since every match has got two sessions, therefore the shirts represent the first half of the match and the pants represent the second half of the match.
For example,
Team A has the following uniform:
Goalkeeper: Blue Shirt (Water Element) / Black Pant (Water Element)
Players: White Shirt (Metal Element) / Red Pant (Fire Element)
Team B has the following uniform:
Goalkeeper: Yellow Shirt (Earth Element) / Green Pant (Wood Element)
Players: Orange Shirt (Fire Element) / Blue Pant (Water)
In the first half of the match, Team A Players' White Shirt vs Team B Goalkeeper's Yellow Shirt. It is Team B Earth Produces Team A Metal. Therefore, Team A will very likely to score a goal. Then, we compare Team A Goalkeepers' Blue Shirt vs Team B Players' Orange Shirt. This is Team A Water Controlling Team B Fire. As such, Team B Players are not likely to score a goal. As a result, Team A's luck is stronger than Team B in the first half of the game.
In the second half of the match, Team A Players' Red Pant vs Team B Goalkeeper's Green Pant. The is Team B Wood Produces Team A Fire. Therefore, Team A can score goal(s) again. Then, we compare Team A Goalkeepers' Black Pant vs Team B Players' Blue Pant. It is Team A Water matching Team B Water. It is not conclusive. In this case, we need to compare both Team Players' pant colors. When we do the comparison, It is Team B Water Controls Team A Fire. Therefore, Team B can also score goals due to the weak defense of Team A.
In the first half of the game, Team A has stronger luck than Team B; Meanwhile, in second half, it is considered an equal. In overall, we can judge that Team A has more advantage than Team B and thus the winning chances are higher.
If you wish to know the predicted results of every match, you can go visit: http://www.winning-soccer-prediction.com/worldcup_prediction/
You can also download "How to Predict 2006 FIFA World Cup Winners Using Feng Shui" Report. The listing price is $27. But You can download the Report for FREE before July 4 2006. To download the Report, just go to: http://www.winning-soccer-prediction.com/worldcup_prediction/
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“ Discover The Secrets That Billionaire Chinese Business Tycoons Know (That You Don't) About Attracting Money, Fortune, Success and Much More Using Simple, Ancient Feng Shui Techniques...! ”

I can show you step-by-step how you too can have more wealth, luck, happiness, career success, health, love, and much more to completely transform your life! . . . with the help of some quick, easy-to-do feng shui techniques!
How does feng shui work? I don't mean getting a compass, drawing up the floor plan and creating a bagua, I mean, how is it applied?
The Five Element Theory is the key. It doesn't matter if you use the compass method, the flying stars method, or the black hat method. To properly apply 'cures' or solutions to feng shui issues, you use the five element theory.
The feng shui elements are essentially different phases of chi, and are represented by physical characteristics such as shape, color, or material. There are five kinds of chi: Water, Fire, Wood, Earth, and Metal. These are the five elements, and shouldn't be confused with the actual elements. They are different phases of energy, and there are three different flows: destructive, supportive, and draining.
The supportive (or creative) cycle of the five elements is where each energy 'feeds' the next.
The destructive cycle of the elements, obviously, is where the energies destroy one another, and the draining cycle calms an element that may be out of balance. Here is a summary:
Water supports wood, destroys Fire (if Wood is weak) and drains Metal. Wood supports Fire, destroys Earth (if Fire is weak) and drains Water. Fire supports Earth, destroys Metal (if Earth is weak) and drains Wood. Earth supports Metal, destroys Water (if Metal is weak) and drains Fire. Metal supports Water, destroys Wood (if Water is weak) and drains Earth.
If you have an overabundance of the feng shui element of Metal in your home, you can use objects that represent either Water or Fire, depending on just how much Metal you have. If you don't have enough Soil, then use things that support Metal as well as Soil.
If you are having relationship issues (or just wish you had a relationship to have issues with), then you do need to draw up the floor plan, and decide which method you are going to use. The bagua used in Black Hat is not the same as the one used in the Eight Mansions.
If you use the Black Hat method, and you find that your Relationships area is in the bathroom, maybe you are flushing that type of energy down the toilet. Now, the element that is active in the Relationships is Earth. The Earth element will destroy the Water element, unless you use some Metal to support it. Metal element objects are round or spherical, made of metal, and are metallic or white in color. A round white porcelain bowl with chunks of pyrite would do it (and no rust). A round mirror would be okay.
In the Eight Mansions method, the bagua is the same as far as shape and number of areas, but there it ends. There are eight different baguas, and the one you use depends on what direction your house sits in. For every bagua, there are four auspicious directions, and four inauspicious directions. There are no designated aspirations in the Eight Mansions; but you still use the five elements to balance out the lucky and unlucky areas.
Let's use the Gen trigram, and say that your bedroom is located in the Disaster location, which here is in the South. This location promotes disputes and legal issues, so you really just want to calm the chi that you find here. To do that you would use objects from an element that either destroys or drains Fire, the element that is present in this spot. Looking at the chart above, we see that you can use either Water, to destroy it, or Earth, to drain it.
Only in rare occasions do you actually want to destroy an element. So I would suggest artifacts from the Earth element, such as painting the walls in earth tones, or carpeting in those tones.
Use squat furniture, like a futon, pictures of mountainscapes, and maybe a cotton quilt.
You do not want to use any Wood element here, as Wood supports Fire, and we already have an issue with that element being too strong here.
I hope that this helps you figure out how to apply the principles of feng shui, at least a little bit. Check out www.western-world-feng-shui.com for more information.
Raelynn Manitz began studying feng shui in 1999, and runs a website for feng shui advice at www.western-world-feng-shui.com
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