I once heard this definition of extroverts and introverts: Extroverts process information and issues by talking with others. Introverts do so by going within.
I am definitely an introvert, and have set my life up so as to have a lot of time and space to myself. This is how I function best. I know what feeds my soul and I also know when I dont do these things everything in my life is affected.
Sometimes I need a reminder of the importance of these things.
During a visit to New Zealand recently, I had occasion to stay with a family member who was so excited to see me, she wanted to spend lots of time with me and include me in every cup of tea. She was being a good hostess she is also an extrovert. So, where she gained energy I was fast losing it. I did have some space for myself, but not enough. I assumed that a week like this was fine. I also didnt fully unpack my suitcase, partly because there wasnt anywhere to put everything, but also, I thought its only for a few days.
I know the effect of being surrounded by clutter, and I know I need lots of space physical and emotional. I know the effect of tolerating things that bug me. I also know that sometimes in the past it has seemed like too much trouble to act on my needs.
One of the big things I learned is that it DOES matter. Even temporary situations affect me. I learned there is no room for unconsciousness around my environment there is no place to hide. I learned I need to respect my being an introvert. Its part of what makes me unique. Its part of how I express myself and give myself to others. And when I dont respect this aspect of myself, part of me shuts down and everyone misses out.
When I look back on my time in New Zealand, the visit that was most successful was with a friend who is an author and also an introvert. He made sure he had time to himself, which also gave me space.
I eventually took care of my needs by finding a Bed and Breakfast to stay in for my last week. With great good fortune the owner was going out of town, so I had her whole, huge, sunny house to myself. I unpacked my suitcase, made my room inviting, and so created an environment that supported me. Everything looked different from this place, and from there it was a lot easier to create a balance between visiting and quiet time.
The Feng Shui in your life is about more than just your environment. When you dont get your needs met physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, your energy is blocked and this will stop the flow of prosperity, creativity, relationships in your life and will prevent you from being all you can be. Your very life energy is affected.
Is anything blocking the flow of energy in your life right now?
Where are you cluttering up your life, emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually?
Is there anything in your life you are telling yourself is only temporary?
What would it take to make a change now?
What do you know, but need to remind yourself about in terms of your needs?
As an extrovert, or an introvert, what feeds your soul? Are you incorporating that in your life?
Visits with family are often the most challenging in terms of being ourselves. How do you take care of your needs while with your family?
When you are thrown into an unfamiliar situation, what happens? Do you make sure your needs are met or do you let them slide? What do you tell yourself?
Do you have a situation coming up maybe people coming to stay, maybe you visiting someone where you can begin to plan ways to have your needs met?
In your home, or when you are in a temporary situation, what can you do to make a sanctuary for yourself? What can you place in your environment to give you a feeling of belonging?
Some of my clients have found a way to create a sense of place when traveling. They have gathered a collection of things that have significance for them. When they travel they place them on the bedside table or somewhere they will feel their energy.
Some people have a favorite throw or they might take their own pillow with them. Dont forget the power of journaling. Keeping up this practice will give you clarity and space.
In Feng Shui, the intention is to create a flow of energy in your environment to support you in creating the life of your dreams. A life that flows and is easy and where you can be your authentic self. Your environment either supports you or drains you. By paying attention to all your environments you will create an environment of success for yourself. http://www.LifeDesignStrategies.com/
Vicky White is a Certified Feng Shui Consultant and Life Coach who works with clients both locally and internationally. Get your FREE 7-part e-course Your Secret Weapon: Powerful Feng Shui Tips To Give Your Business The Competitive Edge at http://www.LifeDesignStrategies.com/
Top 10 Clutter Busting Tips for 2003Vicky White
Its easy, live with clutter and its difficult to move forward, or you will move forward more slowly. Clear your clutter and you will be supported to create the life you dream of.
1. Use the Ultimate Clutter Test - ask yourself Do I love it, do I use it, does it make my heart sing? Get a no? Put it in a box for the charity shop, to give to someone who will treasure it, or to go to a consignment shop.
2. Clear your closet - this is a great place to start. Make space for the new by taking everything out of your closet and only putting back clothes you love, fit you, are ready to wear and show you at your best. You know the ones - they are the ones people comment on when you wear them.
It is better to have half a dozen outfits that make you feel your best, than a closet of clothes that are past it or remind you of the weight you've put on. If you really must keep clothes you no longer fit into, put them in a box, tape it up and put a date on it if you don't fit into them by that date maybe its time to make someones day by taking them to the local charity shop - or making some money by selling them.
3. Clear your basement and attic - in Feng Shui the basement represents the foundation to your life. Any stuck energy here will be rising up through your home and affecting every aspect of your life.
Clutter in the attic will be bearing down on you. And there is no hiding from clutter by moving it to the basement, the shed at the bottom of the garden, or even a storage unit. Its in your environment and will still be affecting you.
4. Time Clutter - do you have too many things on your to-do list? Do you keep trying to fit just one more thing in? Do you feel under pressure? I have come to accept that I cannot possibly do everything in one day, or even in one week. This takes the pressure off! Are you saying yes to what you want to be saying yes to?
5. Handle procrastination - do you put off taking action on some things you want to do, registering for a class, or making a phone call for example, so your head gets cluttered up trying to remember to do it?
Some things are worth taking action on immediately. Some things are worth scheduling so they are not done at the last minute and under pressure, or even worse, are missed. Clutter is decisions put off - in other words procrastination.
6. Clear the clutter in your office. This will be affecting your creativity, efficiency and prosperity. If necessary, pay someone to help you organize your office. Once you get it organized get rid of clutter daily.
Papers, emails, your filing cabinet, and documents on your computer you haven't looked at in months or years. How much time do you waste looking for information? Make liberal use of your best office tools - the recycle bin and the delete button on your computer.
7. Declutter your day - What are your most productive activities at work - the ones that bring you the greatest results? How much of your time do you spend doing them? Most people spend the majority of their time on their least productive activities - reading and answering emails, having meetings, returning phone calls, looking for documents.
Do you clutter your day up with things that could be delegated or things that are not important? Do you allow yourself to be constantly interrupted with emails, phone calls or family members?
8. Your head! Do you have a whole lot of thoughts running around in your head when you get up in the morning? Julia Cameron in the Artists Way suggests writing Morning Pages. There are 3 pages of free flow writing. Just let whatever wants to come up, come up. Its amazing what does come to the fore and I have found this a useful tool to start my day with a clear head.
9. Things from the past. Do you have the wedding dress from your first marriage? Do you have books on subjects you are no longer interested in, or are they out of date? Do you have vitamins in your cupboard more than 6 months old - they will have lost their potency. Have you moved from a house into a Condo and still have gardening tools you can no longer use? Do you have your grandparents clock that no longer works, and you don't even like it? Have you been given gifts that aren't you?
Clear this clutter and notice how your energy changes.
10. Do you have things in a storage unit? Do these pass the Ultimate Clutter Test? Do you love them, do you use them, and do they raise your energy? If not, how much is it costing you to store these things. If they disappeared would you miss them? Do you even remember what is in those boxes? How about your garage? Is it so full that your car/s need to sit outside? How much are your cars depreciating by being out in the elements and are the things in the garage worth that much?
Bonus Tip. Heres a tough one! Are there people in your life who drain your energy? What is it costing you? What do you have invested in staying in contact with them? Maybe they are close family members. Who do you need to be to take care of yourself around them?
Be ruthless when it comes to decluttering. For the energy to flow easily in your life, and your home, you need to be diligent when it comes to clutter. If you dont address it, it will hold you where you were back in 2002 or before! Clutter Busting will support you in moving forward into an abundant life. http://www.LifeDesignStrategies.com/
Vicky White is a Certified Feng Shui Consultant and Life Coach who works with clients both locally and internationally. Get your FREE 7-part e-course Your Secret Weapon: Powerful Feng Shui Tips To Give Your Business The Competitive Edge at http://www.LifeDesignStrategies.com/
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